Hemp's Revival
Three letters, C-B-D, have become the buzz of the wellness industry, and for good reason. The discovery of supplementing phytocannabinoids to restore balance in the human body is potentially one of the largest breakthroughs in human science in our lifetime.
Learn MoreCrafted with Intention

Custom Crafted
In-house unique formulations allow specific/quality focus.

Over 12 years combined experience in cannabinoid and terpene products/ingredients.

Our products are doctor-formulated and tested for purity and potency.
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Creating a powerful and positive impact has been at the forefront of the DREEM Nutrition culture since our inception in 2015. In the beginning we saw the need for innovation within the hemp space and specifically around CBD product quality, delivery, and education. In becoming industry experts, we too evolved, and began understanding the more broad concept of infusing ancient nutrition into modern concepts that empower human vitality.
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What is CBD and how can it help me?
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a trending ingredient in the natural products industry and is the focus of a new area of cannabis research.
How much CBD should I Take?
We recommend taking some time to find the right dosage for you, everybody is different. Start with a lower dose initially and increase your dosing over time (uptitration).
Where is your hemp sourced?
Our hemp is sourced from Federally compliant farms in Colorado and from our own farm here in Indiana. We are focused on sustainable and regenerative agriculture and only source from suppliers who meet that demand.
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Shop DREEMCraft at Scale
Many emerging industries lack appropriate oversight and expectations early in their life cycle. As the hemp industry evolves, so will its definition of “quality standards” and other terminology. We expect the hemp industry to mandate very high regulatory expectations and processes. Our beliefs compel us to operate today in the standards that we believe will come in the future. Being in a leadership position in this industry for 5 years finds us not only implementing quality standards, but also as part of the creation of evolving regulation.
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